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Engineering Subject Guide — ASTM Standards

This guide offers information for students and faculty, on and off campus, on locating library resources and services suited for the School of Engineering.

NEW! ASTM Compass Database Access

We now have online access to the ASTM Book of Standards through the ASTM Compass database.

Accessing the ASTM Compass Database

You can access the ASTM Compass database through the UConn Library's homepage. 

Directions to access:

  1. From the library homepage, click on Databases
  2. Type "ASTM" into the upper right hand corner search box and click go
  3. Click on the ASTM link below

Screen capture of A-Z database search


  4. Click on ASTM Compass. You may be prompted to enter your UConn Net ID and password to gain access.

  5. Now, click on "Book of Standards" in the lower left hand corner of the screen.


Image of ASTM Compass homepage

Which Volume Has the Standard I am Looking For?

For example, if you are looking for standard C1424, "Standard Test Method for Monotonic Compressive Strength of Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperature," you need to determine what volume that standard is located in.  To do this, search in Google for ASTM C1424, this will bring you to the ASTM webpage for that Standard.  Listed on that page, you will find the corresponding book volume in which the standard is located, in this case, Book of Standards volume 15.01.

Screen capture of the ASTM C1424 webpage

Above: Look for the Book of Standards Volume Designation on the ASTM website.  Above, we see that standard C1424-15 is found in volume 15.01.

Good Luck on Your Projects!

Good luck with your research!  If you need a standard from a year the library does not own, you can request it through interlibrary loan.  Login to MyILLIAD, and fill out the information about the standard you need.  You should receive a PDF scan by e-mail within about three days.