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Engineering Subject Guide — Technical Reports

This guide offers information for students and faculty, on and off campus, on locating library resources and services suited for the School of Engineering.

What are Technical Reports?

Technical reports are unpublished reports, brochures, and papers. The primary function of technical reports is to present research findings to sponsors or employers, such as the federal government. When the government conducts research, they may require that reports of the research be made available for public disclosure. Unlike published materials, technical reports are usually not peer reviewed. Because they are not published, they are considered grey literature.  

These are important sources of information for:

  • Current research
  • Research processes and findings that are generated outside of the academic publishing world.

Writing a Technical Report:

Looking for Technical Reports Online

Looking for Technical Reports from Interlibrary Services

The Library does not own copies of most technical reports, but you can order them through the Library's Interlibrary Services.