Currently, at UConn we have subscriptions to ASTM and IEEE standards through our database subscriptions. Please scroll down this page to access those links.
If you need a copy of another standard (ISO, ASME, etc), then we will purchase the individual standard for you. We now have more funding to purchase international and other standards needed by UConn community engineering researchers. The form for standards purchase is available on our My ILLiad interlibrary system. To request a standard:
Above: Click on Place request, then a drop down menu will pop up. Next click on Standards Document
Above: screen capture of the Standard Document request form on MyILLIad.
Users will need the standard title, issuing agency, year, and standard number or URL
Here is a list of some standards that are owned by UConn Library:
Students may access UL Standards for free in read only format by creating an account with UL. Free access is read only and is called "digital view" in their platform. If you need to print a standard or need a PDF, then you will have to purchase a copy via your Senior Design Project Sponsor.
Below you will find a list of select standards agencies or vendors in case you want to browse standards we do not currently own. There are many more world standards organizations then what is listed below.
Standards impact nearly every aspect of our lives. Consider these few areas:
Learn More about Standards:
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