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_First Year Writing - Regional Campuses — Finding Books

This guide focuses on research resources for English classes at the Regionals with information for specific assignments.

Finding Books on a Topic

Start with a keyword search. Keyword searches look for your terms in the title, author, description, and subject fields.
To find only books on the topic, Refine Results to books in the right column.

refine book results in primo

If you do not get any (or enough) results, your search might be too narrow or you might be entering too many terms (example: cigarette, smoking, health, teenagers, effects). Try to broaden your search by entering only one or two key concepts (smoking, teenagers).

If you get too many results, try to add terms to your search to explore a more specific aspect. For example, a search for "violence" produces over 10,000 results. Adding "media" produces still over 600 results. Searching "violence" "media" and "gender" together narrows the results to a (more) manageable number.

If you find books that might be useful, look at the subjects listed in the Details tab. Those subjects can be used to find more books on your topic.

Reading a Record

Records provide information about materials and their locations, in print or online.

A UConn Library General Search Record. The record reads Gender Violence at the US-Mexico border: media representation and public response. The record shows that it is available at the Babbidge Library at call number HV6250.4.W65 G475 2010 and reads Online access

The initial results displays the book title and author(s), publisher information, and access options.

The Find on Shelf section displays the physical location of the item and its loan policy, if you have signed in. The policy will depend on your status (student, faculty, etc). 

Verify the location, call number, and availability. If the item's location is at a campus other than your home campus, you can request the item be sent to you using the Request from UConn link. If you are not signed in, this link will read Sign in to request.

You can use the locate option to see a map with the item's location
This Call Number Floor Guide also provides locations for books located in Babbidge.

A UConn Library General Search location for a physical item. The record reads Find on Shelf with the item being available at Babbidge Library Stacks

The The View Online section provides access to online version, if available. Clicking Online Access in the initial results will also take you to the View Online section.

A UConn Library General Search location for an online item. The record reads View Online with full text availability options

The Details section provides more information on the item. Subjects can help find similar or more focused items related to your topic.

Details. the Details part of the record shows the title Gender violence at the US-Mexico border: media representation and public response. The Author, Hector Dominguez Ruvalcaba and Ignacio Corona. The Subjects Women--- Crimes against -- Mexico -- Ciudad Juarez; Gays --- Crimes against -- Mexico; Cross-dressers --- Crimes against -- Mexico; Murder -- Mexico; Mass media and crime --- Mexico

Requesting Materials from UConn Campuses

The Request Service delivers items from UConn's collections to the campus library of your choice.

  • Search for your item using the Library General Search
  • Click the Sign in link to login to your library account using your NetID and password. (If you are already signed in, skip this step)

Screenshot of a yellow box reading "please sign in to check if there are any request options" with a link reading "sign in," from an item's record.

  • Click on Request from UConn under Find on Shelf.

Screenshot of a "find on shelf" section of an item's catalog record, with the "Request from UConn" link highlighted.

  • Select your pickup location.
  • Click the Send Request button to submit. 
  • You will receive an email when your item is ready.