Google Scholar, UConn AnyWare, and Technology
Google Scholar:
On-Campus? Google Scholar will automatically display links for access to the full text of search results.
Off Campus? Set Scholar Settings (From , click on the Menu icon in the upper left corner and select "Settings") to configure Google Scholar to access UConn resources and enable exporting of citations to RefWorks.
If you do not see the word Settings, look for the cog icon.
Select Library Links from the Scholar Settings menu.
UConn Law affiliates: check boxes for UConn Law - UConn Law Links and UConn - UConnFullText
UConn Health Center affiliates: check the box for LM Stowe Library at UConn Health (not UConnFullText - UConn Health's authentication is not interoperable with UConn's NetID)
Click SAVE to keep your changes.
Bibliography Managers (Optional)
To show links to import citations into selected bibliography managers:
From the Scholar Settings page, scroll down the page to Bibliography Manager.
Select "Show links to import citations into RefWorks. Other tools available are BibTeX, RefMan and EndNote.
Click SAVE to keep your changes.
You can also export citations directly from the Cite screen.
Results in Google Scholar will be displayed with one of several notations:
UConnFullText, [PDF], [HTML], [DOC] - or have no notation at all.
If a notation is displayed, click the link to access the full text.
If no notation is displayed, click on the double arrows ">>" under the citation to display UConn Full Text
UConn Full Text may provide ways to access to the article, OR a link to request a copy through Interlibrary Services if we do not have online access.
If the access link does not work, or if there is no link, take your request directly to Interlibrary Services. This service obtains scans or loans of materials from other libraries, and is available without charge to UConn faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students.
NOTE: links to non-UConn resources may inform you that you will have to pay to see the full text. Don't pay! You can generally obtain any Google Scholar result free through the UConn Library's sources, such as databases, UConn WorldCat, the Library's General Search or by ordering the paper, article, thesis, book, etc. from Interlibrary Services.
The Cited by link under the Google Scholar citation is another way to expand your search and find more relevant articles. When you click on the Cited by link, you will find other publications that cite the article.
You can also search within the publications that cite the article. Select the checkbox that says "Search within citing articles" and add additional terms to narrow your search.
To refine your search results, use the limit options to the left of your search results.
To use Google Scholar Advanced Search options, click on the menu icon in the top left corner of the Google Scholar homepage.
Click on "Advanced Search".
Advanced Search lets you search in the author, title, and publication fields, as well as limit your search results by date.
Related articles: find articles on the same topic as the citation
All # versions: find other versions of the article found on the internet
Cite: click on the Quotation Mark icon to open the Cite Window. Copy and Paste the formatted citation or use one of the links to import the citation into a bibliography manager such as RefWorks.
The UConn Library's electronic materials are accessible off campus by logging in with UConn NetID and password. If it is necessary to bypass internet filters to conduct research, download the UConn VPN, Cisco AnyConnect VPN. The VPN is available as a program for computers or an iOS app for mobile research
Downloading the VPN
Detailed information about the UConn VPN and install instructions can be found at this page: Cisco AnyConnect VPN
Note, this VPN is only available as a download for Windows, Mac, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
The VPN is also available as an iPhone or IOS app. Download instructions are available on this page: Cisco AnyConnect iOS Installation Instructions
Questions about the VPN should be directed to UConn Tech Support at
AnyWare is a virtual desktop service that can be used to access UConn applications without downloading them to a computer.
Software available via AnyWare
Information about setting up AnyWare can be found at this page: AnyWare Desktop - First Time Set Up & How to Access
Questions about AnyWare should be directed to UConn Tech Support at
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