Scholarship of teaching and learning as defined by Lee Shulman:
"The scholarship of teaching and learning invites view teaching as serious, intellectual work, ask good questions about their students' learning, seek evidence in their classrooms that can be used to improve practice, and make this work public so that others can critique it, build on it, and contribute to the wider teaching commons." (Shulman, 2006, p. ix)
Hatch, Thomas, Melissa Eiler White, and Lee S. Shulman. Into the Classroom: Developing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006.
Center for Engaged Learning. (2013, August 16). Scholarship of teaching and learning vs. scholarly teaching. Retrieved from
Taxonomy of SoTL Questions
Hutchings, P . (2000). Introduction. Opening lines: approaches to the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Doing SoTL: A guide on the basic steps involved in a SoTL project by Nancy L Chick.
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