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Topic: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) — Resources @ UConn


Related UConn Library Resources


The Teaching Professor

From Magna Publications, a leading provider of higher education professional development resources.

"...resource for inspiration and advice on better teaching and learning, regardless of discipline or course format. The content covers both face-to-face and online methods, so no matter where you teach, The Teaching Professor will help you make informed decisions about your teaching practice."

Center for Teaching and Learning Library

CETL has a library of titles of interest to be used by faculty members and graduate students. If you would like to borrow any of the following books or videos, please contact Stacey Valliere, (860-486-2686), located in ROWE 331. Books circulate for 30 days.

Recent Additions to the CETL Library

Center for Teaching and Learning

Research Integrity & Compliance