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Asian American Studies Subject Guide — Finding Books, Articles, Archives & Videos

Tips for Finding Books and Articles about Asian Americans

When finding books and articles about Asians Americans (using the Library's General Search, our databases or Google Scholar) your research question must be clear. Be careful not to use overly broad categories such as "Asians" as this category comprises a wide variety of ethnic and national groups. Instead, choose one particular group (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean) + a topic as your research topic.

Tips on finding books or articles on a particular topic

  • The most common way to search a topic is by using keyword: terms that best describe the topic you want to study
  • The key for a successful search is making sure your keywords are not too broad (to avoid getting too many results) or too narrow (and therefore finding few or not results)
For example, if looking for books in your topic, if you use the word Japanese in your search, it produces over a million results in the Library's General Search, but if you add the keyword internment ("Japanese Internment") it narrows the results to 3,000, but that is bringing all types of sources (books, videos, articles). If you narrow your search to only "articles" published in the last 5 years, then the result list narrowed down to a manageable 289 articles. You can control your search results by using filters (also known as limits). Look for those two terms when using our databases and catalogs.


  • Be mindful that research on current events may yield few academic books or articles, but many newspapers articles

Finding Books, Academic Articles, Videos and Archival Collections

Find books, journal articles, and videos by searching the Library's General Search (the text box on the library website). It is one stop shopping to search all our library resources.

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Online Archival Collections

Recommended Books for Background Research