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Latina/o, Caribbean, & Latin American Studies Subject Guide — Panama

Topics and resources for Latina/o, Caribbean, & Latin American Studies


Digital Collections

Panama Canal Museum Collection

Panama Canal Museum Collection LogoThe Panama Canal Museum Collection at the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida is part of the Panama and The Canal project. The collection includes materials including artifacts, maps, and oral histories related to the Panama Canal, the Canal Zone, and the Republic of Panama. English, includes Spanish and French materials

The Panama Canal: Riots, Treaties, Elections, and a little Military Madness, 1959­-1973

Selected Records Concerning the Panama Canal LogoThe The Panama Canal: Riots, Treaties, Elections, and a little Military Madness, 1959­-1973 exhibit from the National Archives includes records series relating to Panama were declassified from Record Group 59, General Records of the Department of State, and Record Group 84, Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State. They include memorandums, correspondence, telegrams, reports and scattered photographs concerning such matters as U.S.-Panamanian Canal relations, riots and student protests, diplomatic treaties, development of foreign policy from President John F. Kennedy to President Gerald R. Ford, internal political affairs, economic issues, the defense of the Canal and U.S. military presence, a discussion of a new sea level canal, and Panamanian sovereignty over the Canal and the Canal Zone. English

CIA Research Reports: Latin America


CIA reports, memos, and cables on situations and conditions in Latin America, 1946-1976.

Argentina Reel I
Bolivia Reel I
Brazil Reel II
British Guiana Reel II
Chile Reel II
Colombia Reel II
Costa Rica Reel II
Cuba Reels II, III
Dominican Republic Reel IV
Ecuador Reel V
Guatemala Reel V
Haiti Reel V
Mexico Reel V
Panama Reel V
Peru Reel V
Uruguay Reel V
Venezuela Reel V
Format Microfilm (5 reels)
Arrangement By country, then chronological
Indexes CIA Research Reports: Latin America 1946-1976.

Image of microfilm reel