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Latina/o, Caribbean, & Latin American Studies Subject Guide — Colombia

Topics and resources for Latina/o, Caribbean, & Latin American Studies


Digital Collections

Biblioteca Virtual of the Banco de la República en Colombia

Banrepcultural LogoThe Biblioteca Virtual of the Banco de la República en Colombia includes digital collections focusing on books and manuscripts, historical cartography, and photography, and radio. It includes oral history interviews from the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina as well as photographs documenting the political organization of Afro-Colombian communities. The Hemeroteca digital histórica contains nearly 600 digitized publications related to culture, politics, and the environment, including El Comercio, El Combate, El Clarín, and Chantecler. Spanish

J. León Helguera Collection of Colombiana

J. León Helguera Collection of Colombiana LogoThe J. León Helguera Collection of Colombiana at Vanderbilt University includes unique primary sources on 17th to 20th-century Colombian history and culture. The collection is one of the largest and most wide-ranging in the United States and includes books, manuscripts, broadsides, pamphlets (including novenas), royal cedulasprogramas, and newspapers. English with Spanish materials

CIA Research Reports: Latin America


CIA reports, memos, and cables on situations and conditions in Latin America, 1946-1976.

Argentina Reel I
Bolivia Reel I
Brazil Reel II
British Guiana Reel II
Chile Reel II
Colombia Reel II
Costa Rica Reel II
Cuba Reels II, III
Dominican Republic Reel IV
Ecuador Reel V
Guatemala Reel V
Haiti Reel V
Mexico Reel V
Panama Reel V
Peru Reel V
Uruguay Reel V
Venezuela Reel V
Format Microfilm (5 reels)
Arrangement By country, then chronological
Indexes CIA Research Reports: Latin America 1946-1976.

Image of microfilm reel

United States Consulate Despatches

Image of microfilm boxes


U.S. Consulate Despatches of Argentina, Azores, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Italy, Puerto Rico and Trinidad.

Argentina Buenos Aires 1811-1906
  Córdoba 1870-1906
  Rosario 1858-1906
Haiti Cap-Haïtien (Haitian Cape) 1797-1906
Azores Fayal 1795-1897
Chile Antofagasta 1893-1906
  Arica 1849-1906
  Coquimbo 1850-1898
  Iquique 1877-1906
  Talcahuano 1836-1895
  Valparaíso 1812-1906
Colombia Barranquilla 1833-1906
  Bogotá 1851-1906
  Cartagena 1822-1906
  Medellín 1859-1902
  Santa María 1823-1883
Cuba Havana 1892-1902
  Matanzas 1820-1899
  Porto Principe & Xibara 1828-1843
  San Juan de los Remedios 1879-1898
Dominican Republic Puerto Plata 1875-1906
  Samana 1873-1905
  Santo Domingo  1837-1906
Falkland Islands Port Stanley 1851-1906
Puerto Rico   1821-1899
Trinidad (West Indies Federation) 1824-1906
Format Microfilm (375 reels)
Arrangement Alphabetically by country, then area, then chronological

Latin America: Special Studies, 1941-1988.