Census Records are one of the best places to start research on your family. Start with the name of your ancestor and the place where they lived. In the United States, a census of the population was taken every decade from 1790 to the present. Census records are public from 1790-1940. From 1790-1840, only the head of households were listed by name. Please note that most of the 1890 census records were destroyed.
One source for census records is Heritage Quest . Anyone with a Connecticut State Library Card can access Heritage Quest from the State Library site.
HeritageQuest Online includes:
The site also includes, Books, Cemeteries, City Directories, Military, Immigration, Freedman's Bank, Serial Set, and Photos.
For Heritage Quest Libguide from ProQuest, go to http://proquest.libguides.com/heritagequest
Charles Storrs- 1870 Census Brooklyn New York
Another free source for census records is familysearch.org.
The most recent United States census released to the public is the 1940 census. Below are some sites specific to the 1940 census.
General census data may enhance your research on your ancestors. Try the sites below to learn more.
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