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Topic: Systematic Searching for Evidence Synthesis

What Are Search Hedges?

A search hedge, sometimes called a search filter, is a single concept systematic search strategy created by an expert searcher. Hedges are created designed to facilitate searches for frequently searched concepts such as study designs, population groups, or specific topics. They may be formally validated, but at minimum are tested for effective performance.

Because they are designed by experts to be as comprehensive as possible, hedges are preferable to the built-in filters seen in many databases (e.g., using a publication type limit in PubMed) when performing systematic searches.

Hedges are typically designed for a single database, such as APA PsycInfo, and for a specific platform, such as EBSCOhost. The hedge incorporates the database's controlled vocabulary (if any), and the unique syntax of the platform.

Locating hedges can be challenging, but some of sources of reliable hedges are listed below.