PubMed is the primary health database and has articles about any health topic, but depending on your focus, another database might be better. Specialized databases cover more journals in specific health disciplines and may even offer unique limits (filters) that make it easier to find information.
If you want to find articles about stress in college students that have a medical focus, PubMed is best. For a more of a psychological focus, search PsycInfo, or if you are interested in the nursing perspective, try CINAHL.
Choose the database you think fits your topic the closest. If you don't find enough articles, you can always try another. Don't be surprised if you see the same citation in different databases. Popular journals will be included in many different databases.
Scholarly journal articles about nursing and allied health including nursing interventions, education, theory, and history as well as physical and occupational therapy.
Scholarly articles in psychology, plus medicine, psychiatry, education, social work, criminology, social science, business, & organizational behavior.
Scholarly journal articles about sociology and other social and behavioral sciences. Includes culture & social structure; economic development; evaluation research; family & social welfare; management and complex organizations; policy planning.
Scholarly journal articles about sport, fitness, and physical education topics including both practical and research literature.
Limited to 4 simultaneous users.
Evidence Based Practice "Filtered" Databases
Filtered databases, such as the Cochrane Library means that someone has already appraised the quality of studies and often make a recommendation for practice. Filtered information can also be found in other research databases (i.e. PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO), but you must use the limits associated with each databases to find filtered information like systematic reviews, meta-analysis, etc.
Sometimes health associations create gold standards for treating conditions called Clinical Practice Guidelines. Clinical Practice guidelines are statements that include recommendations intended to optimize patient care that are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and harms of alternative care options.
Health information is full of scientific jargon and difficult for most people to understand. Consumer health information is written so that people with no medical knowledge can understand it. These sources provide quality information written by professionals.
See also Consumer Health databases.
For a more comprehensive list of databases by subject check the links below:
These tutorials may help you get a start with your searching.
These are brief tutorials on searching PsycINFO produced by the American Psychological Association (APA).
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