Database Commands (Boolean Operators)
Do not enter sentences or long phrases into databases. These confuse databases and you will not get accurate results
Most databases provide multiple text boxes. Enter one topic per box.
Ex. Find citations about stress and college students that do not pertain to alcohol consumption
PubMed requires parentheses. Enter one topic per parentheses.
Ex. (stress* OR anxiety OR cortisol OR epinephrine) AND (college* OR universit*) AND (student* OR undergraduate*) NOT (alcohol OR "drinking behavior")
Does it make sense to?
Once you think your search is textbook perfect…run it! Look at your search results. Don’t panic. Find the off-topic citations; can you NOT them out?
If you know the title of the article you want, use these tools to get the article online. If the Library doesn't have your article, place a request through Interlibrary Services.
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