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Ask a Librarian — Chat Quick Guide - Webclient

Internal staff guide. Please keep as Private


The webclient for staffing is used to staff chat reference. Logging into the webclient will allow you to receive incoming chats from guests and will bring public chat boxes online.

You can also staff from a mobile device.  See for more information, recommended Android/IOS apps and configuration instructions.



Getting Started

Log on to

Logging on to the webclient brings a chat box online and makes it available to receive incoming chats from patrons.  The webclient integrates with LibraryH3lp’s special features. It places transfer, send file, e-mail transcript, and block features in the chat window.  It also displays the patron’s IP address, and referring URL.

The webclient works with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Edge. 

Enter your username and password.

Username: First initial of first name and last name
Password: 1234  
To change your password go to the Preferences page or click on the wheel on the left hand tool bar.

Click connect now and your status will change to Available.  An Auto logout can be set up at this time.


Incoming & Accepting Chats

Chats are initiated when a patron starts typing in a chat window. Every staff member with an available status assigned to a queue (group chat) receives the initial message.  Accept a chat by typing your message at the bottom of the screen and Enter to send.

 Every initial message has 3 parts:

1.     Patron’s initial text in the chat window

2.     What queue patron contacted 

3.    Link to the current day's chats for that particular guest ID.  This is handy when you receive a chat from a returning guest.

Change Status

Status can be changed in the drop down menu in the upper right hand corner to one of the following. Remember to change status to Away or Logout when your shift is done.  You can also log out by closing the browser window.


Canned Messages

Canned messages show up as type-ahead suggestions in the reply area of a chat.  Click on the pen in the left hand tool bar to see shared canned messages created by the Administrator and personal canned messages you can create for yourself. Click on the plus sign to add your own messages.


Transferring a Chat

The transfer button is the third from the left among the chat management toolbar buttons and  has left/right facing arrows.  Choose the individual or queue you want to transfer the chat to; only those with a status of available will be in the list of potential transfers. 

The recipient of a transfer will see the full roll-back of the chat up to the point of transfer. This means that the patron does not have to repeat their story to the person they were transferred to.

It is a good practice to tell the patron when they are going to be transferred and to encourage them to hold on while the transfer happens. The transfer actually goes through instantly, but there may be a wait while the transferee picks up the chat. It is also a good practice for the recipient of a transfer to give a quick "hello" to the patron before reading over the entire history.

Sending a File

A file, like a PDF of an article, can be sent to the patron. The send file button is the paperclip icon, fourth button from the left. Sending a file can provide more immediate access than email.


Sharing Tool

The sharing tool opens up in its own window. The sharing tool lets you create snapshots, view the patron's screen, capture screencasts, and create slideshows from screencasts.


Emailing a Chat Transcript

Chat transcripts can be mailed to the patron or any email address you like.


Patrons can also email a copy of the transcript to themselves by clicking the envelope icon at the bottom of the Chat Window.  

email transcripts

Chatstaff - After Hours Coverage

The Library contracts with Chatstaff.  Chatstaff provides after hours coverage for our reference service

Monday - Friday 5pm - 8am
Saturday & Sunday 24 hours

If, at 5pm, you are still engaged in a chat transaction, you are welcome to transfer the chat to Chatstaff.  They will receive a full roll-back of the transaction.

See Transferring a Chat for instructions.