The LGMT and the WGW developed a Publishing Checklist. The Publishing Checklist lists criteria to help guide authors to follow the standards, guidelines, and best practices before they publish or extensively revise guides.
Publishing Workflows Documentation was created for the migration from v1 to v2. Peers designated by the LGMT reviewed all guides before they were published to maintain consistency in the tone and content of all guides. LibGuides are no longer reviewed by LGMT prior to publication.
Use this checklist to make sure your guide follows the standards and best practices outline in this guide. Each criteria is linked to the page with the relevant information to make the guide compliant to the guidelines.
This guide has been checked for: |
Guide is assigned a type (Guide Types & Naming Standards) |
Guide title follows appropriate naming standard (Guide Types & Naming Standards) |
Guide provides an introduction/purpose in the main landing page (Page Layout and Columns) | |
Guide does not duplicate content in an already published guide (Content) |
Guide has been assigned the appropriate subject(s); no tags were used to describe the guide (Guide Types & Naming Standards) |
Profile box is placed in the top-right of the home page; no more than 2 co-authors in a guide (Getting Started) |
Guide has a friendly URL assigned; friendly URLs for individual pages are optional (Using Links) |
Guide follows accessibility standards and the UConn Library's Web Content and Style guidelines for fonts, colors and styles (Editorial Guidelines | Accessibility) |
Guide follows UConn’s Branding guidelines and the UConn Library's Web Content and Style guidelines; guide content adheres to editorial & content guidelines (Editorial Guidelines) |
Links and Databases are added from the Links and/or Database Assets, and not as a list of links in a Rich Text Box. Lists of links emphasize the best bets for research and are not long list of resources. Resources are ordered by relevance (Content) |
Links follow accessibility standards (open in the same window; do not use options such as pop-out windows) (Accessibility | Using Links) | |
Guide provide attribution to content copied from other guide owners as required by CC-BY-NC license. (Content) |
All images comply with copyright law. They are in the public domain/creative commons. Credit is given to creators of images when appropriate. Images are relevant to the content and focus of your guide (Using Images) |
All images follow accessibility standards (e.g. alt-text descriptions) (Accessibility | Using Images) | |
Videos are embedded using the Media/Widget option, using the code generated by the Embed Responsively tool (Embedding Videos) | |
All embedded videos, widgets, images, and other media load via an SSL encrypted connection. No "insecure connection" browser warnings are present on any page of your guide (Embedding Videos) | |
Databases and links have contextual and concise descriptions that are displayed below the link title or are organized in a way that make it clear to the user why the resource is recommended to be used. (Using Links) |
Text added into a Rich Text Box was copied-and-pasted using the Paste as Plain Text option to avoid formatting problems (Accessibility) | |
Guide has been viewed on multiple devices to check readability (Page Layout and Columns) |
Boxes are ordered and placed based on responsive design principles (Page Layout and Columns) | |
Course Guide do not duplicate content; it contextualize shared content boxes with relevant subject related content and/or class assignment (Course Guides) | |
Topic Guide does not duplicate content; it has a clear pedagogical purpose; it contextualize shared content boxes or other type of content with relevant subject/topic related content and/or library resources. (Topic Guides) |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
| Details and Exceptions