This page provides access to open educational resources (OER) in Engineering from a variety of repositories and publishers. The purpose is to showcase content that might be of interest to faculty who are considering adopting OER for use in their classes. This list of content is by no means exhaustive and more resources are available.
The following are dedicated search engines, repositories, and publishers hosted by organizations dedicated to open and institutions of higher education that can connect users with OER.
The following free and affordable resource collections lack the wider flexibility of OER, but they offer tremendous value for instructors looking to reduce the textbook cost burden on students.
arXiv > eess (Electrical Engineering and Systems Science)
Engineering Technology: Simulations for Learning - Learning simulations covering Automation & Robotics, Electrical & Motor Control, Process Control or Renewable Energy.
Engineering Computations- This project is a collection of learning modules in engineering computations for undergraduate students. The project lead is Prof. Lorena A. Barba at the George Washington University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department. In Fall 2017, Prof. Barba worked with doctoral student Natalia C. Clementi to produce the first three modules of the series. With student Tingyu Wang, we wrote the fourth module in 2019. We began writing Module 5 in 2020 and Module 6 in 2021. These are work-in-progress. Each learning modules is made up of several lessons, written as a Jupyter notebook, and addressing an area of application or skills in computing. We use Python as the programming language.
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