Now that you've had your meeting, your next steps are:
Tip 1: No cherry-picking!
In systematic searching, you will run one final search which you consider to be as thorough and exhaustive as possible. Then you export all your search results. Screening results for inclusion comes after you've completed searches in all databases (in this case, PubMed and the Cochrane Library).
Tip 2: Document all searches and numbers of results!
When reporting methods for systematic reviews, you'll need to document the exact searches you ran, line by line, in each database. For your PRISMA flow diagram, you'll also need the exact number of results you found in each database. (You can find the PRISMA flow diagram in the SSR Resources folder in HuskyCT.)
Have you:
Then you're ready to move on to the next page, Searching the Cochrane Library!
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