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_FNCE5313: Financial Institutions - A Risk Management Approach — Reports / How-To

for Master of Science in Financial Risk Management (MSFRM) program

Where can I find analyst, industry, or market research reports?

Still lost? Consult the business librarian – be ready to provide the report’s table of contents. Look for the creator’s website (publisher) and not the press release. 

Where can I find SWOT analysis for companies?

Where can I find market size for an industry?

Country, State, and sub-state-level

from Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)

Moody's Academic / Website Access

We do not have a subscription to Moody's.

However they offer a free subscription to Moody's Academic, which allows selected/limited access to the following:

  • Moody’s Document Select 5 Research Access:  Access any 5 research documents, including issuer or deal research and timely, topical industry research only available to paying subscribers. Document Select 5 connects you with analysis and commentary allowing you to stay on the forefront of market developments across industries and asset classes worldwide. (Once you have accessed 5 documents, contact them for  another 5 at no charge.)
  • Global Credit Ratings: Press release coverage of Moody’s rating actions
  • Credit Research: Select thought leadership pieces including the popular Weekly Credit Outlook and the weekly All Structured Finance Quick Check
  • Rating Methodologies: Globally comparable frameworks describing Moody’s approach to assigning ratings across all industries and sectors
  • Monthly Default Report (MDR): The MDR Service is a Moody’s publication including a total of 45 exhibits displaying trailing twelve month default rates, issuer-weighted default rate forecasts, historical default experience, historical recovery experience, and rating changes. The default and credit quality statistics as well as market commentary at industry and regional levels enable corporations to monitor the corporate market.