Cited Reference Searching is just a fancy way of saying "searching the bibliographies or references of an article or book." Many databases offer access to the citations of publications which were referenced within the publication, though not all do. Below is a partial list of such databases, but an author can go to any favorite or preferred database to check if direct access to this list is possible. Some databases will actually compile a list of who has cited a particular author, like Scopus will do when an author search is done.
Listed below are databases that include a cited reference feature, also note that some references will be hyperlinked to indicate Times Cited in this database.
Includes articles from scholarly journals and popular magazines covering a wide variety of disciplines with the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
Scholarly articles about the history of the United States and Canada.
Scholarly journal articles about nursing and allied health including nursing interventions, education, theory, and history as well as physical and occupational therapy.
Articles in communication, mass media, linguistics, and film studies.
Provides selective indexing of world history articles from thousands of journals and books in a wide variety of languages excluding the United States and Canada from 1450 to the present.
Scholarly articles in psychology, plus medicine, psychiatry, education, social work, criminology, social science, business, & organizational behavior.
Scholarly journal articles about sociology and other social and behavioral sciences. Includes culture & social structure; economic development; evaluation research; family & social welfare; management and complex organizations; policy planning.
Article abstracts and conference documents from the world's life sciences literature, covering more than 5,200 journals.
Just as we can search for an article's mention in references in Scopus, we can also search for an author's mention in references.
For authors publishing in journals that are included in Scopus, this is a marvelous tool for tracking author citation metrics.