When it comes to finding books, the only difference is the layout of the stacks. You will still search the UConn Library catalog on the homepage but you may need to travel a little further to pick the books up. This page has information about finding books in the library. If you have any difficulty, you can always submit a request for books to be pulled and waiting for you at the Homer Babbidge Library iDesk. See this page for more information about that service.
At the Homer Babbidge Library in Storrs?
Check out this call number guide.
Need to know where on a particular floor your book might be? No worries! We have Storrs library (Homer Babbidge Library) maps!
You can also use the Locate Button to see a floor map with the book's location!
Is the book you need at another library? Don't worry! You can request any book from any UConn campus library to be sent to your campus!
The Request Service delivers items from UConn's collections to the campus library of your choice.
Interlibrary Services provides materials free of charge to valid UConn users. Services provided include:
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