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_MKTG5650: Strategic Brand Management — Finding Articles

MKTG 5650


What is a database?

Databases are online collections of information such as articles, statistics, reports, or facts, that are gathered from various publications or research projects and made available in an online, searchable format. Most library databases focus on articles, and can be searched by keyword, title, or author; other examples of database materials include company profiles (often searchable by company name or industry), statistics, or charts and graphs.

Either way, databases are useful because they allow you to quickly search through large quantities of information to hone in on the topic you are researching.

Use the business databases below to find journal articles on your topic, or to find information on companies for your industry or market research.

Databases respond best to keyword searching. To search efficiently, turn your research question into a keyword search like this:

Research Question: What is the market for apparel retailing in Canada?

Search One: (Search with keywords connected by “and”):
apparel and retailing and Canada

Search Two: (Truncate some of the keywords using *):
apparel and retail* and Canada

Search Three: (Add alternate words into the search with “(or)”):
(apparel or clothing) and retail* and Canada

Recommended Databases to find Articles and Reports

More Searching Techniques

After finding a few relevant results in your selected database, check the Subject Terms and be attentive to the specific terms or phrases used by your database to index results. 

Example from Business Source Complete:

Canada apparel retail search