Explore your Journalism Ethics Topic Through Journal and Magazine Databases
Database searching tips:
try multiple searches, experimenting with different combinations of keywords
use the wildcard symbol * to force the search to find different forms of the same word. e.g.ethic* will search for "ethics" "ethical," etc.
combine synonyms for the same concept in the search with OR on the same line
combine the different concepts you want to be searched at the same time with AND on different lines.
pay attention to indexing terms (Descriptors) in the database and incorporate these into your search
getting too many results? Try connecting keywords with the Near Operator (N) - for example, connecting words with N5 finds the words if they are within five words of one another, regardless of the order in which they appear: tax N5 reform finds results that would match tax reform as well as reform of income tax
Change default setting to TX All Text to search for keywords anywhere in articles to get more results
Browse subject heading: Journalistic Ethics for articles, or combine this term with others in a keyword search. E.g. journalistic ethics and war
follow the UConn Links button to locate articles that aren't full text in Academic Search Premier
Academic Search Premier indexes the widest range of both Academic (peer-reviewed) and Popular magazine and journals, and includes the full text for approximately one-third of the titles indexed.
Use the link above to search both databases at once - you'll be dropped into a search results list for "Journalistic ethics" but you can enter your own search terms at the top of the screen.
The library licenses 240+ research databases in all disciplines. Many of the 'Bull in the Ring' topics encompass issues which can be further explored in academic journals in Psychology, Philosophy, Criminology, and other fields. Try the 'Best Bets' databases within these subjects first, and email me if you need help searching!
Google Scholar searches thousands of peer-reviewed academic journals, many of which are licensed the library and available in full text. Tip: in the Google Scholar Settings menu, under Library Links search for and select: UConn Full Text for off-campus access to full text journal content.