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Community self-assessment tools for economic development: Home

How and why complete a standardized economic development self-assessment

Completing a standardized economic development self-assessment is a wise way for municipalities to recognize their strengths and weaknesses. A self-assessment allows them to review what they have done and what they could do.

Community Examples

The Town of Groton commissioned an economic assessment from Camoin Associates. Camoin published an Economic Market Trend Analysis of the Town of Groton in 2016. They evaluated how Groton compared with the region, state, and nation as a whole. They measured the largest industries, industry growth, occupational trends, industry concentration, poverty rate, household income, education attainment, racial & ethnic demographics and more.  Click here to read the report.

Check out the Town of Groton’s Economic Development website:

Testimonial: “The Best Practices Program enabled Groton to formally gain recognition for positive advancements, but it also challenged us in helping to identify future improvement goals. Our Best Practices award is proudly displayed in a prominent location, so the public understands we earned this important credential in 2019. It also serves as a reminder to all that Groton needs to continuously focus on improvement in this competitive world.”  
Paige R. Bronk, AICP, Community & Economic Development Manager
Town of Groton

Tools and Resources