Obtaining feedback from applicants on the application process will help municipalities see their weaknesses. An organized application process will attract more applicants and thus enhance economic development in those areas.
The Town of Manchester has a survey to get crucial feedback to provide great services to their residents and visitors to the Town offices and programs. Every decision letter for a PZC applicant includes a link to an online survey where they provide their feedback on working with the Planning Department. The survey data is used by Town management to track departmental metrics on customer satisfaction.
Click here to view the survey.
“The CEDAS best practices program really helped our department evaluate how effectively we are achieving our mission and serving the public. The criteria were impactful in that they reminded us of both what we do well, and areas in which we can improve. We proudly display the certification at our office entrance and on our staff email signatures. Thank you for recognizing us!”
Gary Anderson, Director
Planning & Economic Development
Town of Manchester