Many books contain instruments, or portions of instruments, or discuss instrument design. You won't generally be able to search for the name of an instrument, just for a book that might include instruments about a topic.
The main search box on the library website searches books as well as many other library materials. The best approach for locating books with or about instruments is to use the Advanced Search.
First select the radio button for Library Catalog so you are primarily searching the library's book collection.
Then use keywords about your research topic in the first search box. In the second box, try using this string of words: test* OR "family assessment" OR "behavioral assessment" OR "nursing assessment" OR "personality assessment" OR "data collection" OR measurement* OR surveys OR battery OR questionnaires OR interview* OR psychodiagnostics OR psychometrics OR sociometr*
Before you tap the Search button, set the Material Type drop-down list to Books.
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