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Human Development & Family Sciences Subject Guide — APA Citation Style and Management Tools

Guide to Resources for Human Development & Family Sciences

Why is Citation Important?

Whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or otherwise refer to the work of another, you must cite the source.

Your citations are like your paper's family tree. They show the difference between the ideas of others that you are responding to, and your own originality. Citation helps to clearly document the research you have done on your topic, and is very useful as you evaluate evidence and respond to the work of others.


  • Give credit where credit is due
  • Allow your readers to verify your research
  • Help your readers situate your ideas within a scholarly conversation
  • Allow you to strengthen your argument by properly introducing evidence
  • Help you avoid plagiarism

If you have any questions about citations, you can use the Ask a Librarian Chat for help.

APA Manual Style Guides

Other Citation Styles

Some online tools

Use these tools if you need to quickly create 1 or 2 citations.

Remember, it is always your responsibility to double-check that your citation is accurate!

Legacy RefWorks Resources

Legacy RefWorks is a citation management tool provided by the UConn Library for managing your research materials.

Please note:

Legacy RefWorks offers two writing tools that can be used with Microsoft Word.

  • Write-N-Cite, the original Legacy RefWorks writing tool, is not compatible with the current version of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Office 365. Write-N-Cite documents cannot communicate with the newer writing tool, RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM).
  • RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM) is compatible with current Microsoft Office products. You can find it as an Add-on in the Microsoft Office Store.