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Medieval Studies Subject Guide — Research Databases

Resources for Medieval Studies

Please remember that spellings can and do vary from document to document:

  • The same person can have his last name given as Wiclif, Wicliffe, Wyclif, Wycliff, and Wycliffe
  • Book can be spelled as bok, boke, and bokke, and dog can be spelled as dogg, dogge, and even as doke.  
  • Material on Moors might be written about using such terms as Mudejars, Moriscos, and Saracens.
  • Bratislava, Pozsony, Pressburg, and Prešpurská are all names for the same place. Similarly, the same city can have its name spelled Florentia, Fiorenze, Florenz, Firenze, and Florence.  Madrid was at one time Mayrit.

Researchers should whenever possible consult the database's thesaurus or, if none exists, consider the variant spellings and alternative terms that may be used.

Patrologia Latina (aka Migne):  see the Documenta Catholica Omnia, above

None of these resources is dedicated to medieval studies, but all contain information that can assist researchers.  The cautions given for the dedicated resources apply here:  medieval spellings were not uniform, and names can be spelled in different ways, as can individual words and specific terms.

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