Primary legal source materials such as federal and state case law, statutes and codes, federal regulations, international legal materials, and patents. Secondary sources include legal news and law review articles.
Many 'Bull in the Ring' topics contain legal issues that have been the subject of laws, court cases and/or scholarly research in law journals, including (but not limited to):
- legally requiring journalists to disclose sources
- allowing cameras in courtrooms
- naming juvenile offenders in news stories
- broadcasting executions
Get the most out of this resource by using the Advanced Search menu highlighted below, and the following tips and tricks:
Use the exclamation mark ! as the wildcard character to find variations of root words - e.g. ethic! finds ethics, ethical
A search for synonyms, inside parentheses and connected with or for example: (juvenile! or minor!) to broaden the search. Use the 'Any of these terms' box to add synonyms to your search automatically.
If you're finding too many hits, try using proximity connectors (w/5 finds articles where the words are within 5 words of each other, w/p for articles where the words are within the same paragraph)