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Geography Subject Guide — Using Library Databases to find Articles

Getting started with Databases

When starting your search, remember that library databases consist of both scholarly/peer reviewed articles, and popular articles. 

What makes an article "scholarly"?

  • Scholarly articles are written for subject experts and academic audiences (faculty, researchers, and students), and use technical language. 
  • The intent of scholarly articles is to contribute new research and information to a topic in a dicipline, and/or build on existing information. 
  • Scholarly articles are peer reviewed, meaning that they have undergone an extensive review and editorial process by experts in their field before being published by a scholarly journal. 
  • Thye include references and citations. 

What are popular articles?

  • Popular articles are meant to provide information to, or entertain, the general public. 
  • These sources use non-technical language and are generally easy to understand. 
  • They include newspapers and magazines. 

Information from Research Now!: Explore Information — Understanding & Recognizing Peer Review

General Library Databases (good places to start)

Library Databases for Geography and Earth Sciences

Evaluate Scholarly Sources:

Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory can be used to determine if a journal is peer-reviewed (also called refereed). Search the journal title in Ulrichsweb and look for this symbol next to the journal title: