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Wellness Guide — Loss & Grief

A Guide to the UConn Library Wellness and Self-Care Collection

Loss and Grief

Everyone deals with grief and loss at some point in their lives, and these feelings may be even more prevalent in the era of COVID-19.   As a child, one may experience loss after a friend moves far away or a beloved pet passes away.  As a teenager and adult we experience breakups and strife in relationships.  And then there is the loss of a loved one-- which proves to be the deepest loss.  This page offers library resources on loss and grief.

                                                   Image of a candle illuminating a dark room

                                                                       Photo by Chirag K on Unsplash

Digital Books on Loss and Grief

Podcasts on Grief

Physical Library Books on Grief

Titles from the Leisure Reading Collection

The titles below are from our leisure reading collection.  These are physical book copies that you can request to pick up at the library,  Or you can browse the Leisure Reading Collection on the B Level of Babbidge Library and pick up a copy yourself.


This content guide is meant to be solely informational in nature.  It is not meant to provide professional care or recommendations.  It includes general considerations, but readers should contact their medical provider for individualized advice, treatment, and recommendations.

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, call 911 or go to your local hospital. If you are in crisis, please call 833-308-3040 to be directed to immediate 24/7 help.