Grants will be given in this area to organizations and programs which deliver impact in one or more of the following ways:
  • Enhancing financial literacy among under-resourced communities, with an element of teaching participants how to invest in the capital markets [but generally does not fund financial literacy projects which focus exclusively on K-12 education.]
  • Improving access to knowledge and tools for investing and wealth creation among under-resourced communities
  • Equipping under-resourced founders with mentoring and resources
  • Improving access to capital for under-resourced founders
What is the maximum amount of a Nasdaq Foundation grant?
There is no set minimum or maximum grant amount, though the average size of a grant made by the Foundation is $75,000. 

What is the term of a Nasdaq Foundation grant?
Unless otherwise specified and agreed upon, all grants have one-year terms. The Nasdaq Foundation will consider a multiple-year commitment if the grant seeker can demonstrate the necessity or benefit of multiple-year funding in the grant proposal.

Can an organization submit more than one proposal?
There is no limit as to the number of proposals a single entity may submit at one time.
The deadlines for applications in 2025 are as follows:
  • First Quarter: January 31, 2025
  • Second Quarter: May 2, 2025
  • Third Quarter: August 1, 2025
  • Fourth Quarter: October 24, 2025
Learn about past grant recipients and their Quarterly Grant Program.
Proposals should be submitted through the CyberGrants online application portal prior to the quarterly deadline. Remember to contact UConn Sponsored Program Services as early as possible!