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Animal Science Subject Guide — Overview

Description of databases, reference materials, journals, books, etc. available for animal science research.

Welcome to the Animal Science Guide!

A Holstein cow's head from the USDA.This page should provide the basics of finding articles, books and other literature for Animal Science at the University of Connecticut.

For more information beyond what is in this guide on how to do research, try Research Quick Start

If you need help in finding biological information you can contact me.

If  you would like to suggest a book or journal for purchase, use the form below or send me an email.


Photo Info:  A Holstein cow, from the USDA.

Request for Purchase Form

Requests for purchase are reviewed by subject specialists using the Library's Collection Development Policy. Please note that items may take up to 8 weeks to arrive, with certain requests taking longer. 

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Yaoguang Li
Homer Babbidge Library
369 Fairfield Way, Storrs, CT 06269