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Planning and economic development websites: Home

Creating a successful website for planning & economic development

An organized website that displays the town’s economic development is essential for businesses, developers, and creating a sense of transparency for the general public. The site should provide a clear statement of your community's competitive edge, resources available to businesses, and contact information. When designing the site, consider if the imagery on the is representative of your community and if resources are available in appropriate languages. 

Community Examples

The Town of Manchester, Connecticut has a page on their website dedicated to economic development. It provides general information about the town’s geographical location and  attractions such as restaurants, retailers and professional services. It also states “areas of opportunity” for potential businesses and developers that are looking to locate there. The information provided on this page will attract more businesses and developers due to its organizational structure and clarity. This will enhance overall economic growth in Manchester. The town of New Milford also has a website dedicated to economic development. Their website currently portrays information for businesses currently affected by COVID-19. The page suggests that businesses contact the Economic Development Department for up-to-date business announcements and resource lists. The page also displays information about business reopening guidelines.