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Agriculture Resource Economics — Home

Fences and cows on Horsebarn Hill

This page should provide the basics of finding articles, books and other literature for Agriculture Resource Economics at the University of Connecticut.

ARE now has two subject librarians to provide assistance with teaching and research. If you need help in finding agricultural information, contact Carolyn Mills. If you need help in finding economics information, contact Edward Lim.

If you would like to suggest a book or journal for purchase, use the form below or either of us an email.

"Fences and cows on Horsebarn Hill" by John Cudworth, University of Connecticut, Storrs. Taken May 28, 2009. Licensed CC BY NC 2.0 Generic.

Requesting a book

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Requests for purchase are reviewed by subject specialists using the Library's Collection Development Policy. Please note that items may take up to 8 weeks to arrive, with certain requests taking longer.

Agriculture Librarian

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Yaoguang Li
Homer Babbidge Library
369 Fairfield Way, Storrs, CT 06269

Economics Librarian

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Edward Junhao Lim
Homer Babbidge Library