In order to succeed at UConn, the single most important thing you can do is keep careful track of the Due Date for every assignment that you have between the beginning and end of the semester. Each Due Date can be found in the Syllabus for the class, and can be added by you to your Outlook Calendar so you can see it all at a glance throughout the Semester. This way, nothing will catch you by surprise and you can turn in every assignment by the time submissions for it close.
While you may have heard that UConn doesn't grade attendance, in reality, this is usually replaced by a grade on class participation; you can't participate in class without being in class. Beyond the possible direct effect on your grade, College-level Classes can proceed at a breakneck pace, and missing classes can make them overwhelming. Sometimes things that necessitate your absence (family emergencies, illness, etc.) do happen and your professors will most likely work with you should you contact them to discuss staying on top of things, but being in class on as many dates as possible will help you develop a mastery of the content, as well as make your professors more likely to be able to offer you solutions when you run into issues.
If you aren't sure about class content, your assignments, or some other obligation, it pays to check your syllabus for your Professor's office hours and give them a visit to find out. This can be a good way to clear up misconceptions and make sure you're on top of your assignments for the semester, it also lets you ask questions directly about specific ambiguities you may need cleared up to do your best work. Your Professors want to see you succeed in their classes, so touch base with them from time to time!
If it's a paper you aren't sure about, UConn has a Tutoring Center in the Library where you can get your papers looked at in great detail, this can be an excellent resource if you're looking to make your writing easier to understand, learn the finer parts of different kinds of paper writing, or make sure your papers are on the right track.
If you need help with research or citation, check out this guide. You can also make appointments with Librarians on the main page-- we can have a consultation session with you to get you moving in the right research direction, check over your bibliography, or help you track down a specific text you may need.
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