Starting in 16th century, a series on papal indexes were released to indicated which books were not authorized by The Church. Books could not be published without official sanction. Following are a few of the numerous titles on the list.
Méditations Métaphysiques et 6 autres livres by Descartes
A Book of Common Prayers and Administration of Sacraments with Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church for the Use of All Christians in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland by Gandolphy, Peter
Banned by the Holy See for religious content.
A sentimental journey through France and Italy by Yorick
Banned by Holy See in 1819 for religious content.
Other Banned Historical Works
Ars Amatoria by Ovid
Banned in Italy 0008 A.D., 1497.
Lysistrata; The Birds; The Clouds by Aristophanes (c.448-c.380 B.C.)
Banned in United States, Greece, Italy, 0066 A.D.
The Talmud
Banned in Egypt, Holy See, France, Spain, USSR (until December 1991). 1190, 1244
1490, 1926
La Divina Commedia by Dante, Alighieri [1265-1321]
Banned in Italy, Portugal, 1497, 1581
Address to the German Nobility by Luther, Martin [1483-1546]
Banned in France, Holy See, Germany, 1517-1521
Additional Sources
Websites that list historical works that have been banned over the centuries.