On this page are lists of databases by broad topics. All of these databases are freely available to UConn faculty, staff and students; most are proprietary resources and therefore not available to the public without a subscription.
ABI/Inform Complete Articles in business, finance, management, accounting, advertising, banking, insurance, marketing, public administration, real estate, and telecommunications. 1991-current (fulltext); 1971-current (index & abstracts).
Business Source Complete A comprehensive business database. Formerly Business Source Premier.
EconLit through EbscoHOST Indexes the international literature on economics. Topics include economic development, forecasting, and history; fiscal and monetary theory; business and public finance; international, health care, regional and urban economics, and more. 1969-current.
Factiva Global news and business information articles. Includes Dow Jones Interactive and Reuters Business Briefing. Current. Please log out when done.
Fortune Magazine Archive 1930-2000 Fortune is a long-running business magazine. This archive contains the magazine's full text, including all color illustrations and advertisements, individually indexed, from its first issue in February 1930 through December 2000.
IDEAS Economics and finance research, including working papers, articles and software code.
NBER Working Papers Working papers published by National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) researchers, intended for other professional economists. 11/1994-current
Newspapers through ProQuest Full text of: Hartford Courant, 1992 -; Los Angeles Times, 1985 -; New York Times, 1997 -; Wall Street Journal, 1982 -; and the Washington Post, 1987 -.
Nexis Uni Access the full text of newspapers, magazines, wire services, radio and TV transcripts.
O'Reilly for Higher Education Access to thousands of ebooks, case studies, tutorials, and videos in computer science, business, communication, and design.
Wall Street Journal (1984 - Current) Comprehensive coverage back to 1984 is available from the world's leading financial newspaper
The US Cooperative Extension System is a non-formal education program based at US land grant universities. It is designed to help people implement research-based knowledge in their lives. State extension services publish high quality, free information on many topics, including agriculture, health, disaster preparedness, energy, family issues, nutrition, landscaping and pest management.
Anyone can search for extension information Google Scholar with "cooperative extension" [your topic]. For example: cooperative extension chicken botulism, This will search cooperative extension publications around the country which mention botulism in chickens. In Google Scholar you can force words to be searched as a phrase in the results by putting them in quotes. You can force a word to be in the results by putting a + in front of it (no space.) For example: "cooperative extension" +chicken +botulism will require the phrase search and the last two words to be in the resulting hits.
Extension documents are a rich and ever-updated source of targeted practical information from across the country. They are not primary or peer reviewed.
Access many of land-grant institution cooperative extension information sources with one search.
The official refereed journal of Extension professionals. Full text access. 1963 to current.
USDA Searchable Databases: - these databases include community nutrition, food surveys, animal parasites, molecular plant pathology, germplasm resources, nematodes, botany, fungi, and entomology resources.
FDA Food - the US department for food and drug safety has a specific section on food. This includes sections on labelling, nutrition, packaging, supplements, chemicals & metals in foods, and compliance.
The National Agricultural Law Center, based at the University of Arkansas, is an independent legal research and information service for the United States agriculture community. It is funded by the US. Department of Agriculture.Within its scope of coverage are animal welfare, biotechnology, food, biosecurity, corporate farming, environment, forestry, food safety, pesticides, renewable energy, water, and many other topics. The Center's resources and reports are available to researchers and the public. Includes a searchable blog on daily developments and RSS feeds on developments in a wide variety of topics.
The nation's leading source of agricultural and food law, research and information.
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